Favourite Quotes

"Some say love is life, but love without hope and faith is an agonizing death."

"Love is like a tree in the four seasons of change. It can either bloom and blossom into a warm, loving relationship,
or it can slowly turn, fade, and die, and grow unbearably bitter and cold."

"I stare love in the face, I hold hand in hand; I keep up with the pace, yet I die at its command."

"Some people think that it's holding on that makes one strong; sometimes it's letting go."

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Prince Junior

Hi, I'm the youngest and the most playful of all in the house. See my puppy photos...I've grown from a small tiny pup to a big fat boy now. *LOL*

1 comment:

Lynnie said...

hey babe!

junior boy is the most handsome doggie around!